
Small Business Free Advertising – Get Traffic to Your Website

New small business owners find it difficult if not impossible to compete with established online marketers simply because they don’t have the budget to invest in advertisement. If you’re new to online marketing, you should know how true this statement is. Does this mean that you have no hope, no way to succeed online? No. There are lots of small business free advertising strategies out there that you can use to get people to visit your website and eventually by your product.

I’ve been there! Everything we do in life have a starting point. If that’s where you’re at right now, I have good news for you. I’m going to share with you in this post some simple but powerful small business free advertising techniques you can start implementing even before you finish reading this post. Now, let me walk you through the process to start driving free traffic to your website.

Make Money Online With A Blog Website

Not being able to use paid advertising to grow your business is not the end of the world. As I mentioned in my introduction, there are free ways to drive traffic to your website, and blogging is the number one ways I use to get people to buy my products. If you are getting started and you want to know the hidden secrets that lead to success online, blogging is one of those. Read below to see how it works.

Nowadays, People tend to buy from marketers they know and trust. One of the ways to build that trust and authority online is to provide value through a blog website. To get started, you must create a website and I recommend using WordPress. If you don’t know where to get started from, you can read my new blog post where I walk you step-by-step through the process to create your own blog website. This will require you to invest a few dollars to have your website up and running but it’s worth it.

Or even better, if you would like to be held accountable, have a community of like-minded people that will help you set up your website for free, you can create your free account by going here and start putting together the traffic machine you need to take your business to the next level.


You may be asking yourself how quickly you can start getting people to visit your website. Here’s what you need to know: blogging is not a “get-rich-quick scheme”. You can start seeing result on your website in 6 months to 1 year or as little as 2-3 months depending on how frequent you post blogs on your website and the niche around which you are building your business. You can get help from other online marketers for free if you use the same platform I use to build your website.

If you have doubt about the success you can have as a blogger, check or Create And Go and you will see how lucrative a blog website could be. These guys are easily making over $150,000 a month blogging. You will not get to that point in a few months but if you are serious about building a successful business on the internet, and you do what it takes to get there, you will surely get there in no time.

Just get started!

Search for keywords that you can rank for faster using tools like Jaaxy that you can use to monitor your website authority, discover SEO trends, find popular and lucrative ideas to write about, search and find relevant affiliate programs in your niche. Websites like will show you the most common questions that people ask and you can write a blog post about those if relevant to your niche.

But here’s the problem that most beginners have when trying to use small business free advertising strategies to get people to visit their websites: If you are like most people (including me of course) you will want that traffic, those sales to start coming in right away or at least as soon as possible, but it takes time. The reason why it takes time for a website to rank and provide you with that traffic you desperately need is that the search engines don’t trust you yet because your website is brand new. To get around this and make your website rank faster, we recommend using guest blogging.

Guest Blogging: A Fast and Free Traffic Strategy

While you are waiting for your website to rank, your need to make sales does not wait. Every single day, you check your emails for a single notification of sale, but nothing shows up. What do you do to get people to visit your website in no time? This is where comes guest bloggingguest-blogging

Guest blogging in a way to write and publish articles, not on your website, but on the most popular industry blogs out there. Those are websites that already rank, have authority and you can use it in your advantage. We are talking here about websites like where you can create a free account and start writing articles that you post on the website. As those websites are already ranking, your post could get seen faster than the posts on your own website.

Here’s where it’s tricky. Because your post gets seen faster on a popular industry blog website than on your own website, you may think it’s better to just “guest blog” and never create your own website. Please, don’t! You can lose your account, get banned at any time when using a platform that you don’t own. Creating your own website and get it to rank number one on Google for certain keywords is the best thing that could happen to you. So, use guest blogging to send people to your own website by linking to it inside your articles on the popular industry blog you are using. It’s a way to show Google that people love and visit your website so it can be indexed and rank faster.

You can also answer questions on and link back to a post on your website that gives more details about your answer (if you have one.)

To give it a push, create a Google My Business account and make sure that your business listing on Yelp and other review sites is correct. It’s an effective way to improve your local search ranking, but you can also use other ways that we are going to cover in the next paragraphs.

Free Traffic Using Social Media Marketing

There are billions of monthly users on social media that you can reach out to if you are building a business online. Whether you’re using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, and so many more, you have a big advantage at your fingertips. It’s a small business free advertising strategy you can leverage to drive traffic to your website if you don’t have the budget to use paid advertising.

Social media

I you want to use social media in your advantage, creating groups or a community of people that share the same ideas as you is a good strategy. But most people get cut in the habit of using all the social media out there, got overwhelmed and end up quitting. I recommend you use one platform and try to master it as much as you can before you focus on another social media platform.

I personally focus on building a community on YouTube which is the second largest search engine in the world, Google being the first and Google owns YouTube. As you can see, I’m focusing on the two major search engines in the world to get people to visit my websites and buy my products for free and I recommend you do the same. Of course, I have a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn account. I’m just not giving them most of my attention.

By the way, you can subscribe to My YouTube Channel here and be able to download my new book, “Simple Steps to A 6-Figure Business with Affiliate Marketing” for free.

Having a big following on social media is for sure a way to build your authority and trust online. In no time and with no investment on your part, except your time, you can have your YouTube channel up and running and be able to build the community that will take your success to a different level. You can watch me create a YouTube Channel by going here . To make sure I’ve given you the maximum resources you can use to grow your business, here’s one more thing you should start doing today.

Email Marketing Is the Blood of Your Business

In these days and age, building an email list along with your business is not an option. If you are here to stay and build a successful business, consider building an email list starting on day one of building your online business.

Here’s how it works. Whether you use blog posts or social media to get people to see what you are selling online, you never send them directly to your product page. If you are an affiliate marketer, never send people directly to your affiliate website. Instead, build a capture page, also called an opt in page or a squeeze page, where you ask people to enter their email address to get access to your offer.

Email Marketing

To have this system in place, all you need is two simple and easy to use software: a page builder and an email autoresponder. I recently made a video in which I walk you through the entire process that you can watch on my channel. If you prefer to read, here is the summary.

To get started, you build an opt in page using software like ClickFunnels that you can try for 14 days here. That’s what I use because it’s simple, affordable, powerful and beginner friendly. Once you created your ClickFunnels account and built your capture page, your next step is to get an email autoresponder and integrate it to your ClickFunnels account.

  • You can go to,
  • or,
  • or Active Campaign, and so many more to create your email marketing automation account. They have a 30-day free trial, so you don’t have to pay for your first month using any of them.

Are you new to online business creation? Do not worry! Inside each software, you will have a help button you can use to learn how to do every specific task to get your system ready to collect emails and send automatic emails to your subscribers and eventually turn them into customers.

The most important thing to remember here is this: It’s the link to your capture page that you will send people to from your blog posts or from your social media profile.

Now, Get Traffic to Your Website

I know that all this sound complicated but once you have your feet deep inside the water you will see that it’s an easy process if you want to use small business free advertising strategies to drive traffic to your website. Almost all the successful online marketers have some things in common that you should have too if you want to succeed online.

  • A website
  • A YouTube Channel
  • An Email lists
  • And they all create content on form of a blog post or a video on YouTube.

I mentioned it earlier in this post, if you want to get access to all the resources you need to grow your business, get access to a community that will help you all the way to your success online, you can use the same platform I use (it’s free to join us) to build your niche specific blog website that will make you money even while you are sleeping.

I hope you enjoyed this post which is about small business free advertising strategies you can use as a beginner with no budget to start driving traffic to your website. However, if you have any additional questions leave them in the comment section below and I will make sure to get back to you in no time.

It’s your time to shine,

– Videgla M.


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